Celebrating Resilience and Healing at the Trauma-Informed Film Festival in Leeds 17.10.24

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2024

The Trauma-Informed Film Festival is not just another film event; it’s a movement. This festival seeks to deepen the understanding of trauma and its impact while celebrating the extraordinary work done by local services that support individuals dealing with homelessness, mental health challenges, substance use issues, and more. By sharing these profound stories on the big screen, the festival aims to foster empathy, raise awareness, and inspire positive change within the community.

The festival’s focus on being "trauma-informed" is crucial. Trauma-informed principles guide the festival in ensuring that the films, the environment, and the overall experience are sensitive to the needs of individuals who have experienced trauma. The six core principles—Safety, Trustworthiness and Transparency, Peer Support, Collaboration and Mutuality, Empowerment, Voice and Choice, and Cultural Humility—are the foundation upon which the festival is built. These principles not only shape the content of the films but also influence how the festival is organised and presented.

The heart of the festival lies in the films themselves, and the Leeds Trauma Informed Network is calling on services across Leeds to submit their work. Whether you’re a filmmaker, a service provider, or someone with a powerful story to tell, this is your chance to contribute to a meaningful cause.

Participating in the Trauma-Informed Film Festival is more than just showcasing your work—it’s about being part of a larger movement toward systemic change. By sharing your story, you help educate the public, raise awareness, and inspire others to adopt trauma-informed approaches in their work and lives. Plus, all services that submit a film will receive five complimentary tickets for those involved in the creation of the film.

The Trauma-Informed Film Festival is a celebration of the human spirit, a testament to the strength of the Leeds community, and a call to action for greater empathy and understanding. Whether you’re submitting a film or attending as a viewer, your participation in this festival contributes to a growing movement that seeks to transform the way we perceive and address trauma.

Join us on October 17th, 2024, at the Hyde Park Picture House for an afternoon of powerful storytelling, community connection, and inspiration. Together, we can make a difference—one film at a time.

For more details on submissions, tickets, and event information, visit Risk and Resilience. We look forward to seeing your stories on the big screen!


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