TILT Community

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2024
The TILT (the trauma informed learning tool) Community was born out of a collective vision to create a space where frontline professionals could come together, share experiences, and access valuable resources to enhance their trauma-informed approaches. Recognising the critical importance of unity in addressing the diverse needs of communities, we envisioned a platform that would transcend the barriers often faced by professionals in different sectors. 

At the core of TILT's development lies a commitment to accessibility. We firmly believe that transformative knowledge should be available to all, especially those on the front lines addressing pressing issues. Thus, TILT Community is offered entirely free of charge, breaking down financial barriers and ensuring that professionals from all backgrounds can benefit from its wealth of insights and resources.

Our dedication to providing free access aligns with the philosophy that positive change begins with empowering those who directly impact communities. By making TILT freely available, we aim to democratise access to trauma-informed practices, creating a ripple effect that can enhance the effectiveness of frontline services across various sectors.

The community will offer people the chance to create profiles, connect with others from different services and different locations, share knowledge and resources, attend workshops, participate in challenges, listen to guest speakers, hear about up and coming training sessions and more.

Launching on 05.04.24 - watch this space and get ready for TILT Community!


50% Complete

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